
All Quincy library locations have public access computers available. A library card is not required to use a computer.

  • All computers are available on a first come, first served basis.
  • Computers designated for children are for the exclusive use of children up to age 12 and their accompanying caregivers. 
  • Computers in teen areas are for the use of teens only.
  • All computers shut down 15 minutes before location closing time.

Chromebook Laptops

  • Chromebooks are available at the Main Library for in-library use only.
  • To borrow a chromebook you must be an adult (age 18 or older) with a valid photo ID and a library card in good standing.
  • Users must sign a borrowing agreement at the time of checkout.

Computer Assistance

Reference Desk staff can provide limited computer assistance.


WiFi and Cell Phones

Free wireless internet access is available at all locations. Go to your device’s WiFi settings, and click ThomasCranePublicLibrary

Please see the Computer & Internet Use Policy for complete details about privacy and security.

Printing and Copying

Self-service printing and copying is available at all branches.

  • $0.15/per side, black & white
  • $0.40/per side, color
Main Library & North Quincy Branch

Payment options:

  • Cash
  • Credit ($1.00 minimum applied to all CC transactions)
Adams Shore & Wollaston Branches

Payment options:

  • Cash only

Wireless Printing

Wireless printing is available at the Main Library.

  1. Connect to ThomasCranePublicLibrary WiFi
  2. Register for a PaperCut login
  3. Fill out the required info and make sure to choose an Identity Number. We recommend your phone number or library barcode
  4. Setup the ThomasCrane_Printer
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and send your print jobs
  6. Proceed to a Print Release station to print your job using your PaperCut login information
  7. After completing the above steps, the printers will be available whenever you are on the library’s WiFi network
Tips for Wireless Printing
  • If you are using an iPhone, you must use Safari while following the instructions above.
  • If you are using an iPhone, the printer setup must be completed by downloading the printer profile in your general settings
  • If you are using an Android, you will be prompted to download the Mobility Print App
  • If you are using your own Chromebook, please see staff for printing instructions

If you need assistance, please ask at the Reference Desk. Reference staff can also help reset your password if needed.

Please Note

Regardless of your device, your job will remain available for 2 ½ hours, after which time it will be deleted.


Main Library

The Main Library provides free self-service scanning. Items can be scanned to a USB drive, email, smartphone, or Google Drive.

North Quincy

North Quincy provides free self-service scanning. Items can be scanned to a USB drive or email.

Adams Shore & Wollaston

Adams Shore and Wollaston provide free self-service scanning to USB drive only. 


Main Library

Self-service faxing is provided through the scanning station at no cost.

  • Faxes can be sent to domestic numbers only.
  • Faxes can be sent, but not received.
  • Up to 20 pages can be faxed at a time. 
North Quincy

Self-service faxing is provided through the copier at no cost.

  • Faxes can be sent to domestic numbers only.
  • Faxes can be sent, but not received.
  • Up to 20 pages can be faxed at a time. 

Chrome Computer FAQ

TCPL public computers run on ChromeOS. Click on the FAQ questions below to learn more.  

Chrome computers are streamlined computers that run on ChromeOS — Google’s computer Operating System. You can use a Chrome computer to do just about anything you’d normally do online: browse the internet, check your email, access online web apps, etc.

A Google account is not required for using a Chrome computer! However, a Google account does allow you to use the computer more efficiently. By logging into the Chrome browser with a Google account (free to create), you will gain access to the Google productivity apps and free cloud storage. Work opened or edited in the Google productivity apps will be automatically saved to your Google Drive, so you will instantly have access to your files every time you log into your Google account from any computer.

You will be able to access any web-based apps. Most popular apps are going web-based and are now available online. For easy access, we have installed a text editor, PDF editor, paint app, and resume builder in the bottom taskbar.

To use full web versions of Microsoft Office apps, you can make a free Microsoft account on where you can use Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and even OneDrive for cloud file storage – all for free.

If you just need to quickly type and save a document, try using the “New Document” web app in the bottom taskbar. You can type and then print a new document, or Print to PDF to save as a PDF file without having to log into any account.

If you don’t want to create a free account but still need to work on a Word document file, and save as a Word document file, you can use the free “Text Editor” app in the bottom taskbar. You can create a new rich text document, or upload and edit a Word doc/docx file, and then save and download as a PDF, doc, docx, ODT, or plain text file (txt).

If you have a Google account, you can upload and edit Office documents directly using Google’s alternative apps: Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

To enable accessibility features, click on the box with the time shown in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select the Accessibility button to open a list of options, including spoken text, dictation, screen magnification, and more. Simply click on an option to toggle it on or off.

  1. Click on file > print and select the ThomasCrane_Printer in the print dialog box (Note: this should be selected automatically by default).
  2. After clicking Print, a dialog box will open prompting you for a username and password.
  3. Enter the username and password assigned to your computer. (Hint: this is posted on the monitor base).
  4. When you are ready to retrieve your print job(s), head over to the print release kiosk and enter the same password that you used to print.
  5. Add your cash or card payment at the kiosk, and then select the print job(s) from the print release screen that you wish to print.

Library computers will completely reset and remove all local data, including accounts, downloaded files, and search history as soon as you end the computer session. Absolutely nothing is retained between sessions.