The Souther Tide Mill and Sea Level Rise: Vulnerable Coastal Resources in a time of Climate Change

The Souther Tide Mill and Sea Level Rise: Vulnerable Coastal Resources in a time of Climate Change

Join Bob Damon, the City of Quincy’s Director of Historic and Heritage Resources, and David Robinson, Director Massachusetts Bureau of Underwater Archaeological Resources for a 90-minute program on the Souther Tide Mill’s history and the City and State’s efforts to document and care for vulnerable historic coastal resources on Thursday, July 18 from 7 – 8 :30 PM at the Main Library.

“My Dearest Friend” – Forthcoming John & Abigail Adams Play

“My Dearest Friend” – Forthcoming John & Abigail Adams Play

Joe Alberti and Genoa Davidson will speak about their forthcoming play, My Dearest Friend, which depicts the life of John and Abigail Adams based on their letters. Mr. Alberti and Ms. Davidson will share their research and work creating the play, read part of the draft of the play, and lead a discussion on the recreation of the historic dialect.

Discover Your Chinese Family Tree with “My China Roots” 与 “中華家脉”一起寻根中国

Discover Your Chinese Family Tree with “My China Roots” 与 “中華家脉”一起寻根中国

Research the Chinese diaspora through access to international collections which cover Mainland China, Southeast Asia, North America, and the Caribbean with “My China Roots”! The Thomas Crane Public Library will be adding this genealogy resource, from Boston Public Library, to our list of Local History & Genealogy databases.