Appropriate Library Use Policy

The Thomas Crane Public Library strives to be a clean, comfortable, and safe place for all  visitors to enjoy. To this end, the Library has established the following rules of conduct to  protect the comfort and safety of visitors and staff, and to preserve and protect Library property. 

The Thomas Crane Public Library is a tax-supported City of Quincy agency which is available to all, regardless of age, residence, race, gender, sexual orientation, education, socioeconomic status or religion. The Thomas Crane Public Library’s Board of Library Trustees has established the following set of guidelines in order to: protect all library users’ right of access to library facilities; ensure the safety of users and staff; and protect library resources and facilities from damage. 

Violation of the following code of behavior, governing the use of the Thomas Crane Public Library by the public, may result in termination of library privileges and/or exclusion from the Library.

Respect for the rights of other Library users and Library staff shall be maintained at all times.

Category A (Library Specific Violations) 

  1. Disruptive behavior, such as creating loud noises, loud talking, screaming, or banging on  computer keyboards. 
  2. Using profane or  obscene language. 
  3. Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children (see also Thomas Crane Public Library  Safe Child Policy). 
  4. Chewing, spitting, or rolling cigarettes inside Library facilities or on  Library grounds. 
  5. Bringing in garbage and/or articles with a foul odor. All bags and other articles are subject to  inspection by security and other authorized personnel. The Library reserves the right to limit  the number and size of items brought into the library. 
  6. Leaving packages, backpacks, luggage, or any other personal items unattended. These unattended items are subject to inspection, confiscation and disposal by security and other  authorized Library personnel. 
  7. Using or parking wheeled devices inside the Library. These restrictions do not apply to ADA assistive devices, wheelchairs, walkers, and baby strollers. 
  8. Lying down or appearing to be sleeping in the library; having feet on furniture;  monopolizing/obstructing space to the exclusion of others, or  blocking aisles, exits or entrances. 
  9. Entering the Library without a shirt or shoes, or removing one’s footwear or shirt while in the  library. or being otherwise attired so as to be disruptive to the Library environment.  Appropriate attire must be worn in the Library at all times (e.g. shirt, pants, and shoes.)
  10. Having offensive body odor or personal hygiene so as to unreasonably interfere with other  library staff or visitors’ ability to use the library.
  11. Using restrooms for bathing, shampooing, shaving or doing laundry; engaging in personal  grooming such as nail clipping in public areas. 
  12. Moving Library furniture; more than one person in a chair. 
  13. Bringing animals other than service animals necessary for disabilities.
  14. Distributing literature, soliciting business or contributions, or  conducting surveys not authorized by the Library except for ballot question petitions and public office nomination signature  solicitations. 
  15. Placing any tables, signs or other structures not authorized by the Library on Library  property.
  16. Parking in the Library’s public parking lots during the hours the Library is open while not  inside the Library or participating in programs on Library grounds; Parking in the Library’s  public parking lots for more than two hours per day; 

Category B (Serious Library Specific Violations) 

  1. Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.  
  2. Smoking cigarettes, and other tobacco or marijuana use, including  but not limited to tobacco substitutes and electronic cigarettes, inside Library facilities or on  Library grounds. 
  3. Possessing alcohol.
  4. Entering the library or Library grounds while under a trespass order. 
  5. Using abusive language; or racial, ethnic or sexual epithets.

Category C (Violations Toward Person(s) or Property) 

  1. Stealing, damaging, or altering Library property valued under $250
  2. Stealing or damaging the personal property of another Library user (valued under $250).
  3. Damaging or defacing Library materials
  4. Using false identification to obtain a Library card, or using another person’s Library card  without permission.
  5. Verbally or physically harassing other Library visitors or staff (i.e. engaging in deliberate or  repeated behavior that is aggressive and/or hostile), including stalking, prolonged staring,  lurking. 
  6. Sexual harassment of staff or patrons (behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or other advances)
  7. Engaging in any other behavior that would constitute a misdemeanor under applicable law. 

Category D (Serious Violations Toward Person(s) or Property) 

  1. Carrying firearms or dangerous weapons of any type.
  2. Assault, fighting, pushing, shoving, challenging to fight, threats or threatening.
  3.  Verbally or physically threatening harm or injury to other Library visitors or staff.
  4. Offensive touching, obscene acts such as sex acts, and indecent exposure.
  5. Selling, using, or possessing illegal drugs. 
  6.  Interfering with another person’s right to use the Library or with the Library staff’s  performance of their duties, including but not limited to screaming, fighting, pushing,  shoving, or throwing things. 
  7. Stealing, damaging, or altering Library property valued at $250 or above.
  8. Stealing or damaging the personal property of another Library user (valued at $250 or  above). 
  9. Trespassing in nonpublic areas.
  10. Refusing to leave Library property after being issued a trespass notice.


Enforcement of the above rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff  and/or Quincy Police Officers are authorized to stop prohibited activities and behaviors.  Failure to comply may result in: 

  • Being asked to leave for the day, or
  • Issuance of a Trespass Order from Library property for a period of 30 days to five years,  depending on the nature and seriousness of the violation and whether it is a first or repeat  offense. 

A violation of law may also result in arrest and prosecution. 

Violations of law and/or these Rules of Conduct may also result in the restriction and/or  termination of Library privileges, including the use of Library computers, equipment or study/conference rooms.

Authorized Library staff may issue a Trespass Order based on personal observation or upon the  sort of civilian reports that would ordinarily be relied upon by police officers in the  determination of probable cause. 

Administrative Review 

Expulsion from Library facilities may be appealed in writing to the Library Director, except  when a criminal case is pending for violation of a trespass order. Trespassed persons shall  include in the appeal any written documentation they seek to have considered in the review  process. A trespass order remains in effect pending administrative reviews. 

Adopted by Vote of the Library Board of Trustees, February 12, 2007; Amended February 11,  2008; Amended October 18, 2010; Amended May 12, 2014; Amended September 21, 2015; Amended March 14, 2022; Amended March 24, 2023.

Borrowing Policy

The Library issues free library cards in order to maintain an accurate record of library materials that are checked out, and to gather library usage data so it can evaluate and improve collections and services. As a member of the Old Colony Library Network (OCLN), the Library adheres to all OCLN
policies related to library cards and accounts.

Museum Pass Policy

The Friends of the Thomas Crane Public Library provide passes and coupons for free or discounted admission to museums and zoos in the greater Boston area. Reserve a museum pass online.

Museum Pass Policy At-A-Glance
  • To reserve a pass or coupon, you must be a Quincy resident aged 18+ with a valid library card.
  • You may reserve a pass/coupon up to two weeks in advance.
  • There is a limit of one pass/coupon per person at one time.
  • If a pass is not returned on time, there will be a $20 overdue charge.

Interlibrary Loan Policy

The Library provides interlibrary loan service in order to increase the resources available to its users, and provide expanded opportunities for lifelong learning and enrichment. This service allows users to obtain materials not available from Old Colony Library Network libraries. Submit your request online or in person at any location.

Bulletin Board & Materials Distribution Policy

The Library maintains bulletin boards for the posting of materials, as well as designated areas (such as literature racks and spaces on countertops and tables) for the passive distribution of printed materials. Information and events appropriate for posting and distribution include cultural events, educational opportunities, social services, and civic and governmental information.

Collection Development Policy

The Thomas Crane Public Library provides a collection of materials and resources in keeping with its mission and values. The purpose of this policy is to help patrons and staff understand how and why materials are added to or removed from the library’s collection.

Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials

The Library recognizes the right of individuals to question the inclusion of materials in the
collection, and will seriously consider opinions submitted in writing on the Request for
Reconsideration of Library Material form
. The process for review is outlined in the above Collection Development Policy.

Archives & Special Collections – Collection Development Policy

The Archives and Special Collections at Thomas Crane Public Library is committed to the collection and preservation of documents, objects, artifacts, and archival and ephemeral materials of or related to the rich history of the City of Quincy and its inhabitants, and the Thomas Crane Public Library system, and in providing access to patrons and researchers.

Computer & Internet Use Policy

The Library provides free public computer and internet access in pursuit of its mission to satisfy curiosity, stimulate imagination, and connect people of all ages. The Library upholds the right of users to seek information and speak freely, regardless of format or technology, while also maintaining a comfortable and welcoming environment.

The Thomas Crane Public Library affirms the rights and responsibilities of parents and legal guardians to guide and monitor their minor children’s access to all library materials and resources, including those available via the Internet. For more information, please read our Statement on Children & the Internet.

Mobile Device In-Library Use Policy

In support of its mission to connect people to the online world, the Thomas Crane Public Library provides free mobile devices, such as laptops, for in-library use. 

Customer Service Policy

The Library strives to consistently exceed customer expectations with friendly, knowledgeable, and responsive staff; with balanced, current, and accurate resources; and with clean, safe, and accessible buildings. We recognize that each customer is important, with unique needs, and we provide equal consideration and respect to all. 

Exhibit & Display Policy

In keeping with its mission to facilitate lifelong learning, provide opportunities for
cultural enrichment, and foster a sense of community, the Thomas Crane Public Library
makes designated spaces available for the exhibit of art works and documents, artifacts
and other ephemera.

Exhibit & Display Policy

Food & Drink Policy

Snacks are permitted in most areas of the library, unless posted signs indicate otherwise. Food and beverages should not be disruptive (i.e. messy, noisy, odorous, etc.) to others or damage library property. If so, staff will use their discretion in relocating patrons or asking them to put their food away.

Food and beverage may not be consumed at the computers, with the exception of lidded beverages.

Occasionally, the Library sponsors events which include food service. The location and food guidelines specific to each sponsored event are carefully selected and approved by Library Administration. 

Please help keep the Library clean by disposing of your trash when finished. If you see a spill, please notify a staff member as soon as possible.

Freedom to Read Statement

The library adheres to the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement.

Library bill of Rights

The library adheres to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights.

Gifts & Donations Policy

The Thomas Crane Public Library welcomes gifts of library materials, money, or tangible property of any kind that promote the mission of the Library.

Generally, the library does not accept gifts for permanent display or preservation that would not be purchased or otherwise added to the collection, or any gift that would incur excessive expense or administrative support. The library reserves the right to decline any gift that the Board of Trustees, at its sole discretion, deems to be not in the best interests of the library to accept.

Gifts and donations become the property of the library and no restrictions on the library’s ownership, possession, use, or disposition of the gift shall be effective other than restrictions approved by the express vote of the Board of Trustees and memorialized in writing. The donor or his/her lawful agent must complete a gift agreement before a tangible gift can be accepted. 

Donor Recognition Policy

The Thomas Crane Public Library provides appropriate, equitable and consistent ways to publicly recognize and acknowledge donors for their gifts and contributions in support of the Library, in keeping with the Library’s mission and reputation as a public entity. 

Health Emergency Policy

In order to ensure the continuation of its core public service activities, the Library has established this protocol in the event of an epidemic or Library health emergency.


The Library’s Makerspace (“The Cranium”) is a creative and collaborative space provided by the Library to empower community members to explore, innovate, and create using various tools and technologies. The purpose of this policy is to ensure safe and equitable access to the Makerspace while fostering a supportive environment for learning and creativity.

Meeting Room Use Policy

In keeping with its mission to facilitate lifelong learning, provide opportunities for cultural enrichment, and foster a sense of community, the Thomas Crane Public Library welcomes public use of its meeting rooms for meetings and events that are free of charge and open to all residents of Quincy, City of Quincy Departments, and Quincy-based community organizations. Meeting rooms are made available as a public service and booking a room in no way constitutes an endorsement of the program or philosophy of the group or the individuals using the facilities.

All groups wishing to book a larger meeting room must first review the complete Meeting Room Use Policy and then apply through the Library’s booking system.

Photography & recording Policy

This policy provides regulations for photography, video and sound recording on Library property. These activities may not interfere with the operations, programs, and activities of the Library, infringe on the privacy rights of Library users, or violate any other Library policies.

The Library is please to offer our facilities for photography of personal events such as weddings, engagements, graduations, etc. No services or ceremonies may take place during the photography session. All photography must take place during hours that the select location is regularly schedule to be closed for business. Interested parties should review the Photography Guidelines and Fees and then contact Library Administration at 617-376-1312.

Video Surveillance policy

The library strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for its users, staff, and property while protecting individual privacy rights. In order to discourage inappropriate and illegal behavior and enhance the ability to identify and apprehend offenders, security cameras have been installed in certain areas of the library.

Privacy Policy

The Library recognizes that users must not feel constrained in their use of Library resources because they fear invasion of personal privacy. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users regarding information sought or received and materials consulted or borrowed, including database and Internet search records, circulation and interlibrary loan records, reference questions, and other personally identifiable uses of Library materials, facilities, or services.

Policy on Programs in the Library

The Library develops and presents programs that further its mission and strategic goals and reflect the Library’s commitment to equitable and inclusive access to information and services.

Safe Child Policy

While Library staff strives to create a safe and comfortable place for children, the Library is a public building, and as such it can be a dangerous place for children alone. Library staff are not responsible for supervising children and cannot know if children are leaving the building with parents or with strangers. Young children unattended at closing time could be left alone just a few feet from a busy street. Parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for monitoring their children’s safety, activities, and behavior while visiting the Library. 

Social Media & Website Policy

The Library uses social media to foster communication with Library users and publicize Library programs, services and events. 

Study & Conference Room use Policy

The Library makes small study and conference rooms available without charge to non-profit community groups and individuals for small group work or other tasks which may not be easily accomplished in other areas of the Library. Rooms can be booked online or by calling (617) 376-1300 x3.

Volunteer Policy

The Library’s volunteer program is designed to support and enhance Library services and provide citizens with opportunities to serve their community. Volunteers perform valuable ancillary work that extends but does not substitute for the work of paid staff. 

Policy on Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) requests

The Library requests CORI information for prospective and current Library volunteers, in accordance with the recommendations of the Mass. Department of Criminal Justice Information Services.