QUINCY — Director Sara Slymon is pleased to share that Quincy’s Thomas Crane Public Library will host Professional Genealogist Seema Kenney to teach community members steps to take after receiving their DNA results.


Monday, Dec. 12, from 7-8 p.m.


Community Meeting Room, Main Library, 40 Washington St.


Kenney’s presentation, “Family History Research Series: Upon Receipt of Ancestry DNA Results,” will address how people should approach exploring their Ethnicity Estimates and DNA Matches from Ancestry and other companies. Kenney will discuss how to optimize your account, find familial matches and determine how you are connected to them, and more. 

Kenney is a professional genealogist, an experienced software instructor and an entrepreneur. She is also married with three children. Based on more than 20 years of research, her known roots are deep in New England, as well as England, Germany, and Sweden. Her DNA results have now added The Netherlands to that list.

“Receiving long-awaited DNA test results is exciting, but it can also be confusing,” Director Slymon said. “Please join us as we welcome expert Seema Kenney for a fun and informative discussion on how to best approach interpreting this DNA data and diving into your genealogy.”

Kenney holds a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University, completed ProGen and is an active member of several societies, including the New England Regional Genealogical Consortium planning committee.

To learn more about this event, view this interview with Kenney led by QATV’s Mark Crosby.

Please visit the library’s Events Calendar for more information and more great events! 
Registration is not required. Events are sponsored by the Friends of the Thomas Crane Public Library.


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